Topologik - Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali/

Topologik - International Journal of Philosophy, Educational and Social Sciences

Fondata e diretta da/Founded and directed by Prof. Michele Borrelli

n. 11 / I semestre 2012  -  Issue n° 11 / First semester 2012

A cura di/Edited by Michele Borrelli / Francesca Caputo

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Aufsätze / Artículos / Articles / Contributions


Studi Filosofici

Philosophical Studies



Giuseppe Cacciatore

La “crisi” dello storicismo e l’incompiutezza del moderno

The “crisis” of historicism and the incompleteness of the modern

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Peter Blomen

Eschatologisch-Soteriologische Aspekte in  Cormac McCarthy’s Roman: „The Road/Die Straße“

Eschatological and Soteriological Aspects in Cormac McCarthy’s Novel „The Road“

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Iwona Krupecka

El sίmbolo quijotesco y la cuestión de la verdad como función ideológica y política en Defensa de la Hispanidad de Ramiro de Maeztu

The quixotic symbol and the question of the truth in its ideological and political function in Defensa de la Hispanidad of Ramiro de Maeztu

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Francesca Caputo

Recensione di Filosofie Contemporanee / Review of Contemporary Philosophies

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Studi Sociali

Social Studies


Massimo Cerulo

Thinking politics sociologically - The Daily Life of the Professional Politician between Innovation and Determinism

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Studi Pedagogici

Educational Studies


Armin Bernhard

Praxisphilosophische Pädagogik: Wissenschaftstheoretische und methodologische Standortbestimmungen

Praxis-philosophical pedagogy: theoretical-scientific and methodological positions

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Gianluca Giachery

Le premesse critico-formative della Scuola di Francoforte

The critical-formative preliminary remarks of the Frankfurt School

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Paola Martino

Resistenza della persona e orizzonte culturale postumanista

Resistance of the ‘persona’ and post-humanistic cultural horizon

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Giovanni Roma

Educazione motoria e disabilità in un’ottica di approccio globale alla persona

Physical Education and Disability: following a comprehensive approach

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Francesca Caputo

“Pensiero Critico”: Presentazione del volume in onore del Prof. Michele Borrelli

“Critical Thought”: Presentation of the volume in honour of Prof. Michele Borrelli

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Topologik - Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali/

Topologik - International Journal of Philosophy, Educational and Social Sciences